Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Project 3: Polyhedral

Phase A: Mask



Phase B: Wall Structure

Model Idea




When I first began to make my polyhedral mask, I was unsure of what I wanted to do. Since I relate most of my projects back to things that interest me, I chose to go with a soccer themed mask. When exploring different polyhedral online, the first one that stood out to me was a cutout of a soccer ball. Immediately I based my project from here, picking out a cone structure to act as a cone used in practice, and a trapezoidal prism to represent a goal net. With the soccer balls, cone, and net, I aligned these to make the form of a face; soccer balls as eyes, cone as nose, and net as mouth. The reason I chose the colors is because those are the typical colors that the real life objects would be made in. I wanted to make the objects look as realistic as I could. I was satisfied in solving the problem successfully, although I wish my base had less of a rectilinear shape to it.
In approaching my polyhedral wall structure project, immediately I began to think about cutting out shapes of prisms to make different effects with light and color. I chose to use an octahedron and cut out different shapes to let the negative space play an important role in the structure. I then decided to also use the primary colors inside the polyhedral while leaving the outsides of them white. This way, when placed against a black background and having light shined on it, the colors, positive space and negative space would all work together to give a creative effect. This polyhedral wall structure has been my favorite project and I am very satisfied with the outcome. I donated a lot of time to it and I believe it is my best work so far in this course.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent visual documentation, It trully engages the viewer with the process you went through in both projects.

    Interesting concepts and aesthetical approach to them.

